Fancy Decor Main Store
This catalog is for people looking for specific items they know by name. This list is mostly compiled by collections, for example, Maddox Collection. If you are looking for the Maddox Side Table, use Control + F to search for “Maddox” and it will show you the booth number where the Maddox Collection is located.
If an item does not have a collection name you can try searching for that item, such as “Ladder Shelf”.
Additionally, you may check the included URL to see an image of the item or collection to ensure it is correct before finding it in-world.
Please note: Items from ex-gacha collections and group gifts are currently not listed in this catalog. If you can’t find an item here, check those areas. So far the Jones and Jansen ex-gacha collections have been converted to regular booth-style releases, and are on the list.